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Why vote for Krista?

A vote for Krista is a vote for the next-generation leadership Wauwatosa needs. The first woman to run for Wauwatosa municipal judge, Krista brings a fresh perspective to the judicial branch of Tosa’s municipal government. Described by supporters and Wauwatosa leaders as “intelligent,” “hardworking,” “thoughtful,” “enthusiastic,” “passionate,” “smart,” and “conscientious,” Krista has the experience and temperament to fairly serve on the Tosa bench.

Energetic Advocate & Community Builder

  • Wauwatosa Public Schools parent and volunteer


  • Member of Wauwatosa Board of Zoning Appeals 


  • Supported by Wauwatosa leaders, including former mayor Kathy Ehley


  • Past president of Sheraton Lawns Neighborhood Association


  • Endorsed by Milwaukee Area Labor Council, Wisconsin State AFL-CIO, IBEW Local 494, and UFCW Local 1473

Driven, Enthusiastic, & Day-One Ready

  • Committed to ensuring that the Wauwatosa municipal court has a reputation in the greater Milwaukee community for fairness and consistency


  • Plans for improving court accessibility, resources, and transparency


  • Able to flex as needed while remaining decisive and budget-conscious


  • Praised by colleagues for her integrity, drive, and compassion

Relevant Experience & Knowledge

  • Extensive civil litigation experience in the most common type of cases that come before the court (85% are traffic)


  • Efficiently utilizes available resources to research and consider issues presented to the court


  • Recognized in the legal profession for her keen legal mind and leadership


  • Graduated top of her class from Tulane University Law School

A Vote for Krista

I was able to present at the recent forum hosted by Tosa Together. Watch the video to learn how I choose to support a candidate, and I provide voters with that same information about myself. 

Community Focused

I bring a well-rounded, community-based approach to the court, with an understanding that enforcement is an opportunity to educate those who appear in court.


I have been interested in the qualities of well-respected judges since before I became an attorney. I have worked with a variety of judges in order to observe their choices and have candid conversations with them about the decision-making process. 


My great-grandfather was a Sheboygan County judge who served and possessed "all of the qualities a lawyer hopes to find in a judge...intelligence, impartiality, fairness and dignity."*  I will embody those qualities as your municipal judge.

*Sheboygan County Bar Resolution in 1963.

Respected Attorney

  • Civil litigator with Warshfasky Law Firm

  • SuperLawyers Rising Star (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)

  • Selected to The National Trial Lawyers: Top 40 Under 40

  • Appointed as Chair of the State Bar of Wisconsin's Strategic Planning Committee

  • Board Member of Association for Women Lawyers

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